Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Surfboard Interpreted in Fused Glass

Ocean Waves

The inspiration for "Ocean Waves"? Wendy was stationed for 18 months in Guam with the Air Force years ago, and can't forget the warmth of the water, the weather, and the people. Evoking the warmth of Pacific Ocean waves, this surfboard she made has various shades of aqua that bring the ocean inside. "Ocean Waves" is made with two pieces of translucent glass, cut and ground to size. Wendy hand-painted designs in gold and white glass paint on the glass, then added pieces of dichroic glass for depth and sparkle. Fused at 1450 degrees and annealed slowly, the surfboard shimmers with ocean colors.

Whether you wish to display the surfboard on a table or mounted on a wall, we can provide the display pieces. (Our wall mounting system sets the piece one inch from the wall, allowing light behind it.) Size: 10.5" x 5". $60

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